The Tennessee Solid Waste Director's Association is a non-profit organization that serves as a network for all Solid Waste Directors to provide education and outreach throughout Tennessee.

TN Solid Waste
Directors Association
How We Strive To Make A Difference

Educational Tours
TSWDA partners with organizations to hold Solid Waste, Recycling, and compost tours throughout the year.

Litter Prevention
TSWDA partners with the TN Department of Transportation and Nobody Trashes TN to provide education and outreach to change behavior towards litter.

TSWDA holds an annual conference for three days of networking, educational sessions, and tours.
Solid Waste Director of the Year
Solid Waste Director of the Year recognizes a Solid Waste Director that goes above and beyond their job duties and provides outstanding service of leadership in their community.

Solid Waste Professional Program
The Solid Waste Professional Certificate Program (SWPCP) is designed to provide sound principles and practices in the planning, management, and operation of integrated solid waste systems.
Solid Waste Scholarships
The Tennessee Solid Waste Director's Associations' main goal is to provide education and outreach for Solid Waste Professionals. Each year TSWDA provides scholarships for Solid Waste Profesionals.